I walk..
I walk with song in my step,
with wind in my hair;
I walk with wings in my legs,
I walk with wings in my legs,
with sand under my feet.
I walk with dreams in my eyes,
with a hand in my hand;
with a hand in my hand;
I walk with noise in my heart;
with a lull in the air.
I walk with a hole in my heart,
with water neck deep;
I walk with weight on my shoulders,
with finger pointing ahead.
I walk, for there are reasons to walk.
There is a garden at the end I hear,
with an angel in there.
Questions in my heart;
doubts in my mind;
perhaps the angel can hear,
perhaps the angel can clear.
I walk, I walk and not ask why.
Its not time to stop,
there is no time to stop.